

Experimental study of CO2 laser induced locally chemical depositions of copper

  • 摘要: 利用CO2激光诱导液相沉积技术,首次从水溶液中在环氧树脂基体的正面局域沉积出了金属铜线。并运用扫描电子显微镜、电子探针等仪器,观察到了激光照射后基体上催化沉积活性中心的存在,分析了所沉积的铜线的微观形貌。


    Abstract: By means of CO2 laser induced liquid deposition technique,the local deposition of metal copper lines on the right sides of epoxy resin has been achieved from the aqueous solution for the first time. The catalytically active deposition center in the substrates has been observed and the micrographs of deposition copper lines have been also analysed based on scan electronic microscope(SEM),the electronic probe.


