In order to study damage effect of interline-transfer color CCD under millisecond pulsed laser irradiation, theoretical analysis and experimental study were carried out. The center temperature, damage area and depth on the CCD surface, the internal reset clock signal and impedance value of the CCD were measured under the action of laser beam with different energy densities. Combined with non-recoverable focal spot and black-white snowflake phenomena in the CCD output images, the damage effect of color plane array CCD irradiated by millisecond pulse laser was analyzed. The results show that the internal structure of the interline transfer color array CCD is damaged to different extents under the irradiation of millisecond pulsed laser. The ablation depth is direct to the basement layer with laser power intensity of 23.49J/cm
2 so that the internal signal transmission channel of CCD is cut off and the leakage current is increased, and then, there is no signal output from the CCD, and the CCD is completely damaged. The study is helpful to study the damage effect of CCD detectors under intense laser.