实验样品钛合金的牌号和具体成分如表 1所示。
Table 1. Mark and chemical composition of titanium alloy
mark mass fraction of chemical composition Ti Al Mn Fe C N H O Ti45Al5Mn balance 0.445~0.455 0.45~0.55 0.0030 0.0010 0.0005 0.00015 0.0020 -
本文中研究表面烧蚀打孔效应,孔的尺寸和形貌的好坏则受到激光光束质量、脉冲能量、脉冲次数、脉冲宽度、激光偏振态、激光拓扑荷数等因素的影响,实验外部条件如辅助气体等也会对孔的质量产生一定的影响。在精细加工中,上述因素的微小变动都会对孔的质量产生较大的影响,常见的影响有:(1)孔是否圆滑平整、孔周围材质是否氧化、孔的底部及内壁上有是否有微小裂纹等等; (2)激光加工的效率,关系到是否能够大批量生产。因此,有必要对上述参量影响到激光表秒加工的过程及规律进行具体研究。
(1) laser+aperture+G-T P+HWP1+HWP2+lens+sample:线偏振光烧蚀打孔实验。经由格兰-泰勒棱镜产生线偏振光,HWP1和HWP2夹角为0°,且其光轴与入射偏振光同向。光线入射聚焦到样品,在调Q情况下,控制电压为600V,其它实验条件不变,脉冲数分别选择20, 30, 40,在钛合金和单晶硅片上进行一组烧蚀实验,同时用能量计对激光能量进行测量。选择电压为600V,是因为此时在此电压下激光器输出激光的能量值最高,烧蚀效果最好。此处HWP1和HWP2仅为光损耗部分。
(2) laser+aperture+G-T P+RP+HWP1+HWP2+lens+sample:径向/角向偏振光/广义柱对称矢量光烧蚀实验。HWP1和HWP2夹角为0°时,输出激光为径向偏振光;HWP1和HWP2夹角为45°时,输出激光为角向偏振光;夹角为12°左右,输出光为广义柱对称矢量光,经过长焦距物镜聚焦后为平顶光束。在这3种情况下,重复(1)中烧蚀实验步骤。
(3) laser+aperture+G-T P+VPP+HWP1+HWP2+lens+sample:线偏振涡旋光烧蚀实验。螺旋相位板的不同位置有不同的拓扑荷数,共有8个,让激光入射到相应的区域,出射的激光则带有相应的拓扑荷数。实验过程中,让线偏振光依次通过相位板l=1, l=2对钛合金样品进行烧蚀打孔,HWP1和HWP2夹角为12°,观察不同拓扑荷数时对打孔的影响及规律。
Application of the manipulated vectorial laser field in surface treatment
摘要: 为了研究调控矢量激光场在表面处理中的应用, 基于Nd:YAG脉冲调Q激光器, 搭建了矢量调控模块, 采用选取钛合金和单晶硅进行激光烧蚀打孔实验的方法, 对柱对称矢量激光的脉冲次数、光束的偏振态和拓扑荷数对激光表面处理的影响进行了系统研究。结果表明, 激光脉冲次数对孔的影响主要集中在孔深和孔径, 光束偏振态主要影响孔的圆度和光洁度, 拓扑荷数则影响孔底和孔周的光洁度。调控矢量激光作为一种特殊激光, 有望在优良材料加工和处理领域获得广泛应用。Abstract: In order to study application of the manipulated vector laser field in surface processing, based on Nd:YAG pulse Q-switched laser, vector control module was built. Laser ablation drilling experiments on titanium alloy and silicon was used to study effect of pulse number of cylindrical symmetric vector laser, the polarization of beam and the topological charge on laser surface treatment. The results show that the influence of laser pulse number on hole is mainly concentrated on hole depth and aperture. The polarization of beam mainly affects the roundness and smoothness of the hole. Topological loads affect the smoothness of the bottom and periphery of the hole. As a special kind of laser, the manipulated vector laser is expected to be widely used in the field of fine material processing.
Key words:
- laser technique /
- vectorial light field /
- laser processing /
- surface treatment
Table 1. Mark and chemical composition of titanium alloy
mark mass fraction of chemical composition Ti Al Mn Fe C N H O Ti45Al5Mn balance 0.445~0.455 0.45~0.55 0.0030 0.0010 0.0005 0.00015 0.0020 -
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