

Correction method of response inconsistency based on gain control circuit

  • 摘要: 为了研究半主动激光制导导引头信息处理电路中,4个采集通道响应不一致性导致的制导精度降低的问题,对造成采集通道间响应度存在差异的原因进行了理论分析和研究,研究了信息处理电路中的增益控制电路,分析了其设计要点,并给出了一种增益控制电路的设计原理图。采用一种基于该增益控制电路的通道间响应度不一致性校正方法,针对导弹(或者炸弹)实际飞行过程中使用的各个离散增益点,进行了不一致性校正;通过对比校正前后的线性区曲线和半实物仿真数据,验证了该校正方法的有益效果。结果表明,利用该校正方法校正后,导引头线性区曲线精度更高,并且可以将半实物仿真圆概率偏差数值降低约50%。该研究为提高半主动激光制导精度提供了一种有效的方法。


    Abstract: In order to study the problem of the guidance accuracy reduction caused by the inconsistency of the four acquisition channels in the information processing circuit of the semi-active laser guidance seeker, the reason of the difference of the response between the sampling channels was analyzed and studied. The gain control circuit in the information processing circuit was studied. The key points of the design were analyzed, and the design principle of a gain control circuit was given. An inter-channel response inconsistency correction method based on the gain control circuit was used to correct the inconsistency of discrete gain points used in the actual flight of a missile (or a bomb). The effectiveness of the correction method was verified by comparing the linear curve before and after correction with the simulation data of hardware-in-the-loop. The experimental results show that the linear circular error probable (CEP) of the seeker is more accurate and the CEP of the semi-physical simulation can be reduced by about 50%. This study provides an effective method for improving the precision of semi-active laser guidance.


