

Twenty-year research and development of SNSPDs: Review and prospects

  • 摘要: 21世纪初,GOL’TSMAN等人开启了超导纳米线单光子探测器(SNSPD)这一研究领域。历经整整20年的发展,SNSPD已经成为综合性能优异的单光子探测器,被广泛用于量子与经典的弱光探测。本文从性能指标、器件物理、薄膜材料、器件结构、加工工艺、光学耦合、信号读出、制冷系统、应用演示等9个方面,回顾了过去20年里SNSPD的重要研究进展; 在此基础上,展望和评述了未来可能的研究与发展方向。


    Abstract: At the beginning of the 21st century, GOL'TSMAN et al. started the research field of superconducting nanowire single photon detector (SNSPD). After researches and developments in the past twenty years, SNSPDs have become a type of single-photon detectors with unprecedented comprehensive performances, and have been applied in quantum and classical faint-light detection. In this paper, the important researches and developments of SNSPDs in the past twenty years were reviewed from the following nine aspects: Performance metrics, device physics, superconducting films, device structures, fabrication, optical coupling, electronic readouts, cryogenic systems, and applications. Then, the future directions for research and development were discussed.


