

Research progress of additive manufactured nanoparticle reinforced austenitic stainless steel by LPBF

  • 摘要: 激光粉末床熔融技术(LPBF)增材制造的奥氏体不锈钢因良好的可打印性和力学性能具有很好的应用前景, 但还存在一些问题限制其工业应用, 添加纳米增强相是调控其性能的有效策略之一。综述了纳米颗粒增强LPBF奥氏体不锈钢的研究进展; 讨论了纳米颗粒对致密度、微观结构和力学性能的影响, 并分析其强化机理。纳米颗粒的加入使复合材料孔隙率增加, 致密度下降; 胞状组织晶粒细化, 且具有较低的各向异性; 添加了增强相的奥氏体不锈钢在强度显著提高的同时还保持良好的延展性, 主要归因于晶粒细化、位错强化、Orowan强化以及载荷传递强化的综合效应。最后展望了LPBF增材制造纳米颗粒增强奥氏体不锈钢在未来需要进一步探索的研究方向。


    Abstract: The austenitic stainless steel additive manufactured by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) has a good application prospect because of its good printability and mechanical properties, but there are still some problems that limit its industrial application. Adding nano-reinforcing phases is one of the effective strategies for regulating the properties of LPBF austenitic stainless steel. The review summarized the research progress of nanoparticles-reinforced LPBF austenitic stainless steel. We focused on discussing the effect of nanoparticles on the densification, microstructure, and mechanical properties. The strengthening mechanism was analyzed. Due to the addition of nanoparticles, the porosity of the composite material increased, and the density decreased. Cellular structure grains were finer with low anisotropy. Austenitic stainless steel added reinforcement phase not only significantly improved strength but also maintains good plasticity, mainly attributed to the comprehensive effects of grain refinement, dislocation strengthening, Orowan strengthening, and load transfer strengthening. Finally, the research directions of nanoparticles reinforced austenitic stainless steel by LPBF that need to be further explored in the future were prospected.


