

Progress in nondestructive testing of pore defects in titanium alloy additive manufacturing

  • 摘要: 介绍了国内外钛合金等金属增材制件孔隙型缺陷的无损检测研究现状和进展,对离线无损检测技术、基于特征量监测的间接式检测和在线式无损检测技术进行了对比分析。重点报道了金属增材制造制件中孔隙激光超声检测技术的最新动态,并在此基础上,给出了金属增材制造制件激光超声在线无损检测未来应关注的研究方向及建议。


    Abstract: The present work mainly discussed the development trend of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies for titanium alloy, as well as the difficulties and research trends of nondestructive testing (NDT) of AM parts, especially for pore defects. The research progress of NDT technology for pore-type defects was introduced, including offline NDT technology, indirect NDT based on feature monitoring and online NDT technology. Then, the latest progress in laser ultrasonic testing technology for porosity in AM metal was reported. At last, the future research directions and suggestions for laser ultrasonic online NDT of metal additive manufacturing parts were shown.


