Research progress of lithium niobate quantum devices
摘要: 量子信息科技的进步, 在很大程度上依赖于传统材料的成熟与发展。近年来, 铌酸锂成为量子器件的重要基础材料, 在量子科技领域具有巨大的应用潜力。梳理了基于铌酸锂材料制备的量子光源、量子中继器件、单光子探测器件等各类铌酸锂量子器件的技术进展, 总结了它们的优缺点并展望了其未来主要的发展趋势, 对基于铌酸锂材料制备的量子器件在量子信息科技的实用化具有很好的指导作用。Abstract: The progress of quantum information technology depends to a large extent on the maturity and development of traditional materials. In recent years, lithium niobate has become an important building-block material for quantum devices, which have great application potential in the field of quantum science and technology. The technical progress of various lithium niobate quantum devices such as quantum emitters, quantum repeaters, and single photon detector prepared based on lithium niobate materials has been combed. The advantages and disadvantages of these devices were summarized, and their main development trends in the future were prospected. This study has a good guiding role for the practical application of quantum devices based on lithium niobate in quantum information technology.
Key words:
- quantum optics /
- quantum devices /
- nonlinear optics /
- lithium niobate
图 1 铌酸锂光子芯片结构示意图[16]
图 2 富硅氮化硅和薄膜PPLN混合波导的结构图[19]
图 3 薄膜PPLN波导的横截面[20]
图 5 实验装置图[25]
图 6 制作的波导的假彩色扫描电镜图像及其周期极化过程示意图[26]
图 10 芯片配置和实验装置[35]
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