激光对红外成像系统干扰的机理实质上是利用激光能量来辐照红外成像系统的探测器,在图像上形成形状各异的饱和亮斑[15]。亮斑的大小与到达探测器靶面的激光功率密度以及探测器单像元饱和时的激光功率密度有关[16-17]。激光传输示意图如图 4所示。
$ \rho=\frac{P \times \tau_1 \times \tau_2 \times \cos \theta}{{\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }} \times(L \times \mathit{\Theta } \times 0.1)^2 / 4} \cdot \frac{D^2}{d^2} $
(1) 式中: ρ为功率宽度(W/cm2); P为干扰激光功率(W);τ1为红外成像光学系统的透过率;τ2为干扰激光单程传输的大气透过率; θ为激光光轴对红外成像系统的瞄准角(°); L为干扰距离(m);Θ为激光束散角(mrad);D为红外成像光学系统通光口径; d为激光在探测器上的弥散斑;D2/d2为光学系统的增益。
$ \tau_2=\exp (-\beta \times L) $
(2) $ \beta=(3.91 / V)(0.55 / \lambda)^p $
(3) 式中: β为大气衰减系数;L为干扰距离(km);V为能见度(km);λ为干扰激光波长(μm); p是与V有关的经验常数,V < 6 km时,p=0.585V1/3; V≥6 km时,p=1.3。
$ r=\sqrt[3]{(4 / {\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }}) \cdot\left(\rho / \rho_0\right)} $
(4) 式中: ρ0为单像元饱和时的激光功率密度阈值。
Infrared imaging laser countermeasure simulation system based on unreal engine
摘要: 为了得到激光对红外成像系统可视化、场景化的干扰效果, 采用虚幻引擎搭建了红外成像激光对抗模拟系统。利用虚幻引擎的模型与场景编辑功能构建对抗场景, 并模拟红外成像; 构建了激光干扰数学模型, 以此生成模拟激光干扰光斑, 实现了不同距离、不同红外成像视场以及不同激光入射角的对抗模拟, 并对干扰前后的图像进行了对比分析。结果表明, 当红外成像视场保持不变、干扰距离由3.7 km减小为2.9 km和2 km时, 干扰光斑面积在成像中的占比均逐渐增大; 当干扰距离保持不变、红外成像视场由8°缩小为6°和4°时, 干扰光斑面积在成像中的占比也逐渐增大; 当红外成像视场与干扰距离不变, 激光入射角度在±4°范围内调整, 干扰光斑面积几乎没有变化。该模拟系统能较真实地对红外成像及激光对抗效果进行模拟, 可作为红外成像激光对抗效能评估研究的基础工具。Abstract: In order to obtain the visualization and scenarioization effect of laser interference on an infrared imaging system, a simulation system of infrared imaging laser countermeasure was built by using unreal engine. Firstly, the model and scene editing function of unreal engine was used to construct the antagonistic scene and simulate infrared imaging. The mathematical model of laser interference was built to generate the simulation of laser interference spot, and the simulation of different distances, different infrared imaging fields of view, and different laser incident angles were realized. The images before and after the interference were compared and analyzed. The results show that when the infrared imaging field of view remains unchanged, the interference distance decreases from 3.7 km to 2.9 km and 2 km, and the interference distance remains unchanged, the infrared imaging field of view decreases from 8° to 6° and 4°. In both cases, the proportion of interference spot area in imaging gradually increases; When the infrared imaging field of view and interference distance remains unchanged, and the laser incidence angle is adjusted within the range of ±4°, the interference spot area remains almost unchanged. This system can simulate the effect of infrared imaging and laser countermeasures and can be used as a basic tool to evaluate the effectiveness of infrared imaging laser countermeasures.
Key words:
- laser technique /
- infrared imaging /
- virtual simulation /
- unreal engine