

Development and expectation of laser welding technology

  • 摘要: 介绍激光焊接技术的发展历史,阐明激光焊接的发展与应用现状及未来的发展前景,论述激光焊接工艺的特点及需进一步研究与探讨的问题,将激光焊接(LBW)与电子束焊接(EBW)、惰性和活性气体保护电弧焊(GTAW和GMAW)及电阻焊(RW)工艺进行了全面的对比,指出激光焊接工艺的优势所在及其存在的问题。


    Abstract: The developing procedure of laser welding technology is presented in this paper.The current situation of laser welding and future perspective is also clarified.The emphasis is focused on the characteristics of laser welding process and its problems to be studied.The comparisons of laser welding with other welding techniques,including electron beam welding,inert gas tungsten arc welding,gas metal arc welding and resistance welding,are performed roundly and deeply.The advantages and disadvantages of laser welding are summed up.


