In order to develop a frequency-stabilized cavity-dumped RF waveguide CO2 laser to be used in a pulsed heterodyne imaging lidar,a laser system,composed of a pulsed master laser(MO)and a continuous wave local laser(LO)was studied,in which the same original blazed diffraction grating was set on the total reflective end of LO and MO because of the ceramic-plate folded-channel structure,so the physical length was shorten and the frequency stability of both the LO and MO was improved.In order to increase the width of the cavity-dumped output pulse,a delay circuit was employed to lengthen the falling time of the high voltage applied to the CdTe modulator.The frequency offset between the MO and LO radiation was locked with a piezoelectric ceramic.So the peak power of the MO was about 2.5kW with a pulse width of 30ns(full width at half maximum,FWHM)at a repetition rate of 70kHz,and the frequency offset between the MO and LO radiations was less than 1MHz in a short term.The testing results show that the laser system can meet the requirement of the pulse heterodyne imaging lidar system.