

Balance coherent detection technology of coherent lidar

  • 摘要: 为了分析影响平衡式相干探测信噪比的因素,采用数学模型推导了平衡式相干探测原理和信噪比公式,分析了影响平衡式相干探测信噪比的因素,研制了用于相干激光雷达信号接收的平衡式激光探测器,并通过相干雷达样机,完成了气溶胶粒子发生米氏散射回波信号的探测。结果表明,研制的平衡式激光探测器具有非常低的噪声和高探测灵敏度特性,能较好地探测出大气中气溶胶粒子发生米氏散射的激光回波信号。


    Abstract: In order to analyze the influence factors of signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) of balanced coherent detection, balanced coherent detection process was studied and the SNR formula was derived based on the mathematical model. A balanced laser detector for signal receiving was developed, and Mie scattering echo signal of aerosol particles was detected by means of the coherent radar prototype. The results show that balanced laser detector is with very low noise and high sensitivity, and can detect the laser echo signal of Mie scattering of aerosol particles.


