基于DMD的阿达玛变换微型光谱仪[18]由光源、分光系统、成像系统、探测系统和光谱信息采集处理系统五部分组成,尺寸为62mm×58mm×36mm,整个光学系统的基本结构示意图如图 1所示。光源发出的光经过样品漫反射后经狭缝入射到分光成像系统,经准直镜准直为平行光,入射到光栅上,光栅将复色平行光分光,经透镜会聚,按波长顺序入射到DMD的不同像元位置,DMD为微型反射镜阵列芯片,以常规或者阿达玛变换等不同的编码矩阵模式控制DMD像元镜片翻转,从而对入射的光进行波长挑选,之后由透镜聚焦在单点探测器上进行光谱采集。检测出的光谱信号由计算机进行阿达玛逆变换解码,最终得到原始光谱信号。基于DMD的NIRscan微型光谱仪的探测器采用InGaAs单点探测器,其响应范围为900nm~1700nm,狭缝的宽度为25μm,分辨率为10nm。
用三波长光谱测量来解释阿达玛变换的原理[20],如图 2a所示,对应光谱波长λ1,λ2,λ3可以采用单次测量来获得每一波长的强度值。而阿达玛变换模式是每次测量其中两个光谱波长的强度值,如图 2b所示,3次独立测量后将得到3个线性无关的方程,将其写成矩阵形式, 如下式所示:
$ \left[\begin{array}{l}{Y_{1}} \\ {Y_{2}} \\ {Y_{3}}\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{lll}{1} & {0} & {1} \\ {0} & {1} & {1} \\ {1} & {1} & {0}\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{l}{\lambda_{1}} \\ {\lambda_{2}} \\ {\lambda_{3}}\end{array}\right] $
(1) 式中,Y1, Y2, Y3为测量的强度值,1代表透光,0代表阻光。通过解矩阵方程,可以求得λ1,λ2,λ3的强度值。在实际中,用这种方法可以测成百上千个光谱波长对应的量值。
有关苹果糖度的参量如表 1所示,包括糖度的范围、平均值、标准差和变异系数,由表 1可知, 校正集的苹果的平均值是13.46,标准差为1.04,预测集的平均值为12.75,标准差为1.2。
Table 1. Distribution of sugar content in apple samples
data set number of sample minimum maximum mean standard deviation calibration set 48 11.2 15.2 13.46 1.04 validation set 15 11 15 12.75 1.20 -
为保证实验结果的准确性,采集光谱应保证在相同的实验条件下进行,图 4a为63个苹果样品采用常规单波长模式下的苹果谱图,图 4b为同批样品在相同实验条件和阿达玛变换模式下的苹果光谱图。对比两图可知,不同模式下的苹果光谱图大体形状十分接近,而阿达玛模式下采集的光谱图较常规单波长模式下的光谱图更为光滑。
采集的近红外光谱信号不仅包含样品组成相关的信息,而且也引入了由于样品状态、杂散光以及仪器响应等因素的差异而产生的噪声和基线偏移等干扰信息,因而需要在建模前对光谱数据进行预处理来消除干扰信息的影响。进行适当的预处理有利于提高模型的精度及稳定性。本实验中使用了Savizky-Golay(S-G)平滑、1阶求导、标准正态变量变换(standard normal variate transformation, SNV)以及多元散射校正(multiplicative scatter correction, MSC)等预处理方法,对其建模效果进行了比较,最终选择1阶求导结合S-G平滑的预处理方法,S-G平滑窗口数为5。
表 2中列出了用PSO-BP算法结合多种预处理方法对两种模式下的光谱数据进行建模分析的结果。由表 2可知,阿达玛变换模式下的模型较常规单波长模式下的模型,不论是原始数据还是经过预处理后数据,其得到的预测相关系数都更高,预测标准差更小,模型的预测精度和稳定程度更高。这与阿达玛变换较常规模式信号均方差更小、信噪比更高的特点相对应。此外阿达玛模式下经1阶导数+S-G平滑预处理后的PSO-BP模型预测效果最好,其中预测集的相关系数为0.9911,校正均方根误差为0.1502。
Table 2. Modeling results obtained by single wavelength mode and Hadamard transform mode
pretreatmentmethod calibration set validation set Rc σc Rp σp single wavelength Hadamard transform single wavelength Hadamard transform single wavelength Hadamard transform single wavelength Hadamard transform none 0.8790 0.9401 0.7045 0.4177 0.7944 0.8732 0.9601 0.7290 S-G smoothing 0.9035 0.9522 0.6634 0.3675 0.8382 0.9098 0.8664 0.6652 SNV 0.8377 0.8612 0.8672 0.7523 0.7845 0.8325 0.9914 0.8631 MSC 0.8406 0.8809 0.8043 0.9588 0.7867 0.8451 0.9856 0.7935 the 1st derivative+S-G smoothing 0.9684 0.9983 0.3051 0.0956 0.9566 0.9911 0.3589 0.1502 the 1st derivative+SNV 0.8534 0.9214 0.7852 0.5412 0.8123 0.8813 0.8927 0.9057 the 1st derivative+MSC 0.8631 0.9352 0.7512 0.4906 0.8265 0.8925 0.8716 0.8541 表 3中列出了PSO-BP模型与其它模型的比较结果,与多元线性回归(multiple linear regression, MLR)、偏最小二乘法(PLS)相比,优化的神经网络模型整体性能更好,预测精度高误差小;对于简单的BP神经网络模型,校正集的相关系数和均方根误差都较好,然而对于验证集的预测效果较差,出现明显的过拟合现象,可能是由于BP网络在训练过程中陷入局部最优的原因;PSO-BP模型在粒子群算法的优化下,取得良好的预测效果,模型的稳定性高,泛化能力强。图 5为PSO-BP模型的预测糖度值和实际测量值的相关系数图。
Table 3. Comparison of results using a PSO-BP model and other models
models calibration set validation set Rc σc Rp σp MLR 0.8722 0.7589 0.8031 0.9547 PLS 0.9523 0.3612 0.9012 0.6718 BP 0.9845 0.1877 0.7313 1.2514 PSO-BP 0.9983 0.0956 0.9911 0.1502
Application of micro near infrared spectrometer in measuring sugar content of apple
摘要: 为了评估微型近红外光谱仪应用于现场水果糖度检测的可行性, 采用粒子群算法结合反向传播(BP)神经网络建立了苹果糖度的无损高精度快速检测方法, 研究了微型近红外光谱仪NIRscan以单波长和阿达玛变换两种测量模式获得的光谱数据, 应用多种不同的数据预处理方法和多元线性回归、偏最小二乘法、粒子群算法(PSO)、BP神经网络等算法建立分析模型。结果表明, 以阿达玛变换工作模式测得的光谱数据更好, 以1阶导数结合Savizky-Golay平滑算法作数据预处理, 应用PSO结合BP神经网络建立的苹果糖度预测模型具有更高的预测精度, 预测相关系数和均方根误差分别为0.9911和0.1502。该微型近红外光谱仪NIRscan用于苹果糖度的现场快速和高精度无损检测具有可行性。Abstract: In order to evaluate the feasibility of miniature near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in detecting sugar content of fruits in situ, non-destructive, high-precision and fast detection method of apple sugar content was established by combining particle swarm optimization with back propagation (BP) neural network. The spectral data obtained by NIRscan(micro-NIRS) using single wavelength measurement mode and Hadamard transform measurement mode were studied. A variety of different data preprocessing methods and multiple linear regression, partial least squares, particle swarm optimization (PSO), BP neural network and other algorithms were used to establish the analysis model. The results show that the spectral data obtained by the working mode of Hadamard transform are better. First derivative combined with Savizky-Golay smoothing algorithm is used for data preprocessing. The prediction model of apple sugar content based on PSO and BP neural network has higher prediction accuracy. Predictive correlation coefficient and root mean square error are 0.9911 and 0.1502, respectively. NIRscan (micro-NIRS) is feasible for rapid and high-precision non-destructive testing of apple sugar content in the field.
Table 1. Distribution of sugar content in apple samples
data set number of sample minimum maximum mean standard deviation calibration set 48 11.2 15.2 13.46 1.04 validation set 15 11 15 12.75 1.20 Table 2. Modeling results obtained by single wavelength mode and Hadamard transform mode
pretreatmentmethod calibration set validation set Rc σc Rp σp single wavelength Hadamard transform single wavelength Hadamard transform single wavelength Hadamard transform single wavelength Hadamard transform none 0.8790 0.9401 0.7045 0.4177 0.7944 0.8732 0.9601 0.7290 S-G smoothing 0.9035 0.9522 0.6634 0.3675 0.8382 0.9098 0.8664 0.6652 SNV 0.8377 0.8612 0.8672 0.7523 0.7845 0.8325 0.9914 0.8631 MSC 0.8406 0.8809 0.8043 0.9588 0.7867 0.8451 0.9856 0.7935 the 1st derivative+S-G smoothing 0.9684 0.9983 0.3051 0.0956 0.9566 0.9911 0.3589 0.1502 the 1st derivative+SNV 0.8534 0.9214 0.7852 0.5412 0.8123 0.8813 0.8927 0.9057 the 1st derivative+MSC 0.8631 0.9352 0.7512 0.4906 0.8265 0.8925 0.8716 0.8541 Table 3. Comparison of results using a PSO-BP model and other models
models calibration set validation set Rc σc Rp σp MLR 0.8722 0.7589 0.8031 0.9547 PLS 0.9523 0.3612 0.9012 0.6718 BP 0.9845 0.1877 0.7313 1.2514 PSO-BP 0.9983 0.0956 0.9911 0.1502 -
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