

Intensities of non-uniformly polarized beams in the oceanic turbulence

  • 摘要: 为了研究非均匀偏振光束在海洋湍流中的光强特性,采用广义的惠更斯-菲涅耳原理,得到非均匀偏振光束经过海洋湍流传输后的光强分布, 并对非均匀偏振光束在海水中传播的传输特性进行了研究。结果表明,非均匀偏振光束的参量nK越大,其光强分布偏离高斯分布越明显,但随着传输距离的增大,海洋湍流对光束的影响也增大,光强分布又回到高斯分布;随着均方温度耗散率χT或温度与盐度波动的相对强度w的增大,或者单位质量液体中的湍流动能的耗散率ε的减小,非均匀偏振光束的光强分布就会更趋于高斯分布。该研究结果在海洋光通信以及成像方面存在潜在的应用价值。


    Abstract: In order to study the intensity characteristics of non-uniformly polarized beams in ocean turbulence, the intensity distribution of the non-uniformly polarized (NUP) beams propagating in the oceanic turbulence was obtained by using the extended Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral formula. The intensity characteristics of the non-uniformly polarized beams propagating in the seawater were investigated in great detail. It is found that the larger the parameters n and K of the non-uniformly polarized beam are, the more obvious the intensity distribution deviates from the Gaussian distribution. However, with the increase of the propagation distance in the ocean, the intensity distribution returns to the Gaussian distribution under the influence of the oceanic turbulence. In addition, the results also show that the larger the χT is, or the smaller the ε is, or the larger the w is, the more the intensity distribution tends to be Gaussian distribution. The research results have potential application value in ocean optical communication and imaging.


