

The development situation of metal 3-D printing manufacturing technology

  • 摘要: 归纳了当前金属3-D打印技术的发展情况,指出了各类3-D打印技术优缺点,从发展历史、工作原理等方面讨论了典型3-D打印技术的技术特点; 在此基础上,对选区激光熔化技术的研究前景进行展望,即激光选区熔化技术作为金属3-D打印一个重要分支在各领域具有更广泛的应用; 提高材料性能、设备功能、结构设计及制造工艺的研发水平,可极大推动金属3-D打印技术的发展。随着金属打印技术的成熟,3-D打印的应用必将会覆盖更多金属制造产业,成为未来最重要、最具战略意义的制造技术。


    Abstract: The development of metal 3-D printing technology was summarized in this paper. The advantages and disadvantages of various types of 3-D printing technologies were illustrated, main technical features of several typical 3-D printing technologies were discussed though their development history and working principles. On this basis, the future research direction of selective laser melting was put forward: The selective laser melting has a wider range of applications. The metal 3-D printing technology could be improved by promoting material performance, equipment function, structure design, and manufacturing technology. With the development of metal 3-D printing technology, the technologies will be more widely available in metalworking industries, and become the one of most important technology and strategic manufacturing technology.


