Laser cloud particle imaging probe
摘要: 为了研究云粒子微观特性, 采用激光成像技术、高斯光束匀化处理技术、高分辨率阵列探测器以及图像抽帧还原算法, 研制出激光云粒子成像仪。通过地面模拟测量及实际飞行试验, 对仪器性能进行了测试。结果表明, 研制仪器可实现对25 μm~1550 μm云粒子的成像, 分辨率为25 μm, 粒径测量误差小于9.5%;实测的冰晶粒子形态符合云粒子自然分布规律, 粒子尺度谱符合指数分布, 决定系数在0.58~0.97之间。该研制仪器可为云降水微物理研究提供基础观测数据。Abstract: For studying the micro features of cloud particles, a laser cloud particle imaging probe was developed by using laser imaging technology, homogenizing technology of Gaussian beam, and a high resolution array detector and a frame-extracting algorithm of image. The performance of the instrument was tested through simulation measure and actual flight experiment. The results show that for cloud particles of 25 μm~1550 μm with 25 μm resolution can be imaged with the developed instrument, and the error of particle-size measured is less than 9.5%. The particle shape of ice crystal watched conforms to the natural distribution of cloud particles, the particle-size distribution conforms to the exponential function with a determination coefficient between 0.58 and 0.97.The developed instrument can provide basic observation data for the study of cloud and precipitation microphysics.